
I am a passionate socio-political and lingua activist committed to revival and promotion of Punjabi language, art and culture.

Ahmad Raza Punjabi has a deep and abiding relationship with his motherland (Punjab) and mother tongue (Punjabi). His rich knowledge of the history and literature of Punjab is commendable. He is a great advocate of education in one’s mother tongue, because “one can express oneself most authentically and forcefully in ones own indigenous language.”


He is a founder CEO of Punjabi Parchar Organization and Punjabi Parchar TV. He used both mediums very effectively to highlight the richness of Punjabi Language, Punjabi Culture and importance of peace and religious harmony.


His web-channel Punjabi Parchar TV is viewed and followed across the international borders. He invited several world-famous Punjabi Language Activist and Peace Builders from Pakistan, India, Canada, United States of America, Australia, United Kingdom and many more countries for interviews. His channel has uploaded more than 2,300 videos for connecting people across the world. These videos were views around 50 million people worldwide. His channel is subscribed by 193K viewers mostly from Pakistan, India and Canada. 


Facebook page of Punjabi Parchar Organization is one of the main sources of content for researchers of Punjabi language and Punjabi cultural activists. Over 151K followers from different corners of the globe have joined, liked and shared official facebook page of Punjabi Parchar Organization. 


Under the leadership of Ahmad Raza Punjabi, Punjabi Parchar Organization has successfully organized several seminars, workshops and festivals to promote Punjabi language, art, culture, peace and religious harmony. International Punjabi Conference, Mother Language Day Seminars & Rallies, Seminar on the Rights of Punjabi Language, Vaisakhi Mela, Sufi Festival, Lohri Festival, Punjab Peace and Cultural Festival, Punjab Festival, Impact of Punjab Partition on Indian and Pakistani Punjab, Bulleh Shah Festival, Importance of Mother Language for a Child are some of the examples of events conducted by Punjabi Parchar Organization. These events were widely covered by TV and print media.


Several visitors from different countries have visited Pakistan through the sponsorship letters provided by Ahmad Raza Khan. These sponsorship letters were provided to attend religious ceremonies or to participate in different cultural programs. He is a generous and welcoming host of visitors especially Punjabi visitors coming from India, Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America and other corners of the globe. His warm hospitality, especially for visitors of Kartarpur Corridor, Gurpurab, and Vaisakhi Festival has won the hearts of language and peace lovers.


He is invited by different national and international mainstream TV, Radio and FM Channels including Punjab News Network (PNN), Channel 24, City 42, Pakistan Television, Lahore Rung, Neo TV, Radio India (Canada), TV Punjabi (Canada) Desi Radio (United Kingdom), Indoz TV (Australia), Radio Spice (New Zealand), FM 103, and FM 95. In these interviews he talked about Punjabi language, art, culture and importance of peace and religious harmony.


He was invited by Lahore College for Women University as guest speaker to educated new generations about the history of Punjab and Punjabi language.
Ahmad Raza Punjabi is decorated with several awards in recognition of his untired efforts for the revival and promotion of Punjabi language, art, culture, peace and religious harmony. Mr. Aamir Raza, play writer, book author and columnist dedicated his book “MARKS SY KHAIF LOG” to Ahmad Raza Punjabi in recognition of his activism and achievements for the cause of Punjabi Language.


Ahmad Raza Punjabi played a vital role for the issuance of official notification from the Government of Punjab about declaration of 14th of March, every year, as Punjab Culture Day. He worked hard for the revival of Punjabi Traditional / Cultural Day such as Lohri and Vaisakhi.


But his most remarkable achievement is to get the verdict from Lahore High Court in favor of compulsory education of Punjabi from primary level. He filed and won a case in Lahore High Court against a renowned educational institute against their notification in which school strictly bounded all his students do not speak Punjabi Language in school premises, as Punjabi is considered a foul language. Being a true Punjabi lover only these 02 achievements are enough for him to be remembered in the history of Punjab as Son of Soil.
He has achieved a lot but his untired struggle for the cause of Punjabi language and peace and religious harmony is still going-on. He has dedicated his whole life for the revival and promotion of Punjabi, language, art and culture.